If the hair is thinning in patches, the condition may be caused by an autoimmune disorder that inflames the hair follicles. Minoxidil (Rogaine) has been used by women for female hair loss and can slow down the loss of hair and in some rare cases has been acknowledged to reverse the process of female hairloss . Cures For Hair LossIf the cause of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, treatment alternatives are available. The 1st step in treating female hair loss is to determine what is causing it. It maybe that changing your diet or shampoo or pills could stop the problem of hairloss . Few advertisements address the problem of women who hurt from the embarrassment of hair loss.

Some severe hairstyles can stop the flow of blood to the hair follicles and cause your hairline to draw back . This condition can be treated by a dermatologist with an anti-inflammatory drug . It will cost you no more than $50 per month. If you are diabetic and consume medication for this it is also recognised to cause female hair loss . This is a genetic condition that your father, grandmother, or mother likely suffer from hair loss as well.Men and women have different types of hair loss problems. There may be an underlying medical condition that is causing the hair loss. First, determine what is causing your hair loss, is it a new diet or some pills you have started to take, maybe you switched your shampoo . Then call your doctor or dermatologist to schedule a appointment for treatment. One of those treatments boosts the blood flow to your hair follicles and is called minoxidil (Rogaine) . This is one of the most popular medicines for male baldness . If you discover your hair is thinning than look for some professional advise before trying to find a product to heal it . Diuretics, anti-depressants and cancer chemotherapy agent can cause temporary hair loss.The role of Minoxidil is to restart your hair growth process . Other common causes that may cause hair loss are: pregnancy, thyroid trouble or other medical conditions that disturb the balance of hormones in your body . That is one out of every five women is affected by thinning hair. The trouble here is that the androgens that are responsible for hair growth are blocked .Why is My Hair ThinningMen and women share a common cause for hair loss.Donning severe hairstyles that pull the hair can induce hair loss. But it can also be applied by women for female hair loss . The condition is called androgenetic alopecia. Female hairloss pattern is totally different from those of men .

This is not a miracle cure but does propose hope to women with a hair loss condition. The advertising campaigns aimed at the female population are wholly about maintaining the long flowing hair beautiful. The same male hormone testosterone and dihydrotestosterone is the cause of the thinning hair.. Instead of getting a receding hairline, the female hair loss condition usually causes hair to thin over China cosmetic cream jar Manufacturers the entire head. Once, you have located the cause of hairloss than the treatment for female hair loss will be more efficient . Female hair loss impacts about twenty five percent of women . There are certain medicines that can cause hair loss. But the news media and cosmetic conglomerates are rather silent on the subject of female hair loss.